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via browser apk  via browser for android 2024

via browser apk

Date:May 20, 2024 Version:5.5.1Size:4mb

v5.5.1 for android

  • via browser apk
  • via browser apk
  • via browser apk
  • via browser apk

The VIA browser watch version APK installation package is a lightweight and simple browser application. It not only has the advantages of fast start and low memory occupation, but also has simple interface design and practical functions. VIA browser watch version APK installation package supports a variety of network protocols, such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, etc., which allows you to easily browse various websites. If you like it, download it quickly.

Software description

The VIA browser watch version APK installation package is a browser that can be used on smart watches. The size of the software for the software allows the software to use it smoothly on the smart watch. Software on the watch can also add plug -in oil monkeys to increase the software function, so that the software has more playability. Interested friends, download the experience quickly.

Software characteristics

Fast: loading at full speed and strong advertising interception

Light: Small figure (<2M) but still promising

Provincial stream: strong advertising interception and intelligent no picture

Software function

Stop advertising, save traffic

The VIA browser uses advanced advertising interception technology, can customize advertising rules, or can also block advertisements through simple marking advertisements. Reduce advertising display and save traffic.

0.5MB size, smooth and not stuck. Perform the start speed and webpage loading speed optimization for Xiaomi MIUI. The VIA browser is the top level in terms of starting speed and webpage loading speed, with speed and stability.

Offline preservation, saving traffic

Long-term, multi-picture webpage such as news and comic websites, can be loaded under Wi-Fi conditions, and save the webpage. It can also be used as offline collection and storage of important articles to prevent the URL from failing.

No graphic mode, saving traffic

The novel reading and pure text news information website can choose a pictureless mode. During the reading of the novel, it can effectively block picture ads. In the reading of the novel, reduce the picture category without loading, saving mobile phone traffic

Safe, privacy, no trace

The sandbox mechanism is adopted to reduce the user's authority required for the VIA browser and protect the privacy of user. Via browser can remove any data at any time in the browser settings. Actively prevent website tracking to prevent user information from being stolen by bad websites.

Efficiency Bookmark Management

Can be freely imported/exported bookmark files. You can also use cloud synchronization to quickly upload the bookmark through the account password and download the synchronization at any Android device.

High -efficiency and considerate

Web search, freely switch Baidu search, Sogou search, 360 good search, Google search, Shenma search, Bing search, and custom search. Search in the webpage and reach the content focus at speed. Web translation, high -efficiency reading foreign page. Computer mode, actively load the computer version of the webpage.

Software advantage

[Speed Search] Start of milliseconds, loading at the speed webpage.

[Simple and pure] Geek refreshing design, no news, no background, no disturbance.

[Security and peace of mind] The sandbox mechanism, less authority, farewell to hidden dangers.

[Browse browse] Small volume, low memory, not stuck.

[Refreshing saving stream] Advertising interception, reducing redundant, saving traffic.

[Custom and extension] Resource sniffing, practical plug -in, each takes what you need.

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